Social & Governance

A large part of the currently relevant ESG regulation focusses on the "E", i.e. environmental and climate protection. In addition, however, all companies must also devote more attention to the "S" and "G" issues within their business activities. Social and corporate sustainability aspects must be integrated into the corporate strategy, responsibilities must be defined and suitable structures must be created. This is particularly important in order to reduce risks in ESG management and fulfil the requirements of the CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive). Risks also need to be minimised in sustainability communication. The main driver of regulatory development is the creation of greater transparency, especially for business and end customers. Companies need to be increasingly vigilant to avoid being accused of greenwashing and pinkwashing. However, compliance with all relevant health and safety regulations, in particular the establishment of an adequate whistleblower protection system, are also among the minimum requirements that all companies must fulfil in the ESG context.

We will be happy to help you keep an eye on legislative projects, create suitable structures and represent your interests in court. Our areas of specialisation include

Fair Work


Human rights



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Senior Associate, Head of ESG & Sustainability

With GvWhistle, GvW Graf von Westphalen has created a digital solution for a whistleblowing system. The law firm offers its clients a secure and anonymous reporting channel to report compliance violations within the company.

Do you want to adapt your corporate practice to the requirements of Environmental Social Governance (ESG)? Please feel free to contact us.