
Advertising with environmental claims ("green claims", "green advertising", "green branding") has become an integral part of everyday life: customers increasingly attach importance to the lowest possible environmental impact of goods and services, and manufacturing companies want to address this demand by advertising their products and services accordingly. However, the requirements for such advertising are generally strict and have been the subject of differing opinions in recent years. At the same time, associations as well as competitors are monitoring the market behaviour of advertising companies in order to put an end to so-called "greenwashing", i.e. advertising with misleading statements that are intended to present the advertising company and/or its goods and services in a sustainable light. Advertising claims with an environmental reference have therefore increasingly become the subject of legal disputes.

The lawyers at our law firm offer specialised advice on advertising with "green" claims and are regularly involved in disputes in this regard. Together with our clients, we pursue the goal of designing advertising and brands in such a way that they convey environmental claims as powerfully as possible without ignoring the legal framework. From our day-to-day advice, we are well aware of the nuances of such advertising so that disputes over such statements are minimised as far as possible. Our lawyers not only follow the German laws and the associated case law, but also always keep an eye on the requirements of the European Union - key words: Green Claims Directive and Empowering Consumers Directive.

Our main areas of expertise

Advice on advertising with environmental claims

Representation in disputes, both in and out of court (in particular in the context of preliminary injunction proceedings)

Representation in trade mark matters ("green branding")

Advice on eco-labelling (establishment of own standards and use of established providers)

Required field *

ESG team at GvW

Do you want to adapt your corporate practice to the requirements of Environmental Social Governance (ESG)? Please feel free to contact us.