Fair Work

In a labour market that is increasingly shaped by the needs and expectations of employees, fair work is becoming more and more important as part of the "S" in ESG.

Today, skilled labour is scarce and companies face the challenge of attracting, retaining and motivating talented employees. In this environment, in which applicants and employees have a strong negotiating position, attractive working conditions are a decisive factor in remaining competitive in the long term.

Fair Work goes beyond the mere fulfilment of legal requirements. It is about creating a working environment that fulfils the individual needs and values of employees, promotes their personal and professional development and conveys a sense of appreciation and belonging. Companies that practise Fair Work are not only able to attract top talent, but also build long-term relationships with their employees and strengthen their reputation as an attractive employer.

By implementing fair work practices, companies can not only increase employee satisfaction and productivity, but also reduce the risk of legal disputes and reputational risks. A fair working culture therefore makes a significant contribution to the long-term success and sustainable development of a company.

Our range of consulting services in this area includes

We support you in developing remuneration structures that are fair, transparent and competitive. We take into account not only individual performance, but also market standards and company objectives in order to create a balanced and motivating remuneration system. We also support you in creating remuneration structures that eliminate the gender pay gap that still often exists in the sense of an equal pay approach. By taking gender equality into account in remuneration, companies can not only avoid discrimination, but also promote diversity in the workplace and create an inclusive work culture.

Our consultancy aims to identify and eliminate gender pay gaps by developing transparent compensation policies based on objective criteria and ensuring equal pay for work of equal value. We help you implement processes to review and analyse salary data to identify and correct potential inequalities and support you in raising awareness of the gender pay gap among your employees.

We support you in creating inclusive working environments that value diversity and actively combat discrimination. This includes the development of diversity programmes, diversity awareness training and the implementation of anti-discrimination policies. In this way, we support you in promoting diversity in the workplace, actively combating discrimination and creating an inclusive and equal-opportunity working environment in which all employees receive equal opportunities and recognition regardless of gender, origin or other personal characteristics.

Co-determination in the company plays a crucial role in promoting social responsibility and sustainable corporate governance in accordance with the principles of ESG. By giving employees a voice and taking their interests into account, co-determination not only contributes to strengthening social cohesion, but also enables the integration of environmental aspects and sustainable practices into company decisions.

For companies that already have a works council, exercising co-determination rights as part of the "S" in ESG is an essential aspect of creating fair working conditions. Our range of consulting services includes support in the effective implementation and exercise of these co-determination rights, including with regard to social and environmental issues. This applies both to advising companies and works councils.

We help you to actively (co-)shape decision-making processes within the company, particularly in matters relating to working conditions, health and safety at work, equality and diversity as well as environmental aspects. Close cooperation between company management and the works council can ensure that the interests of employees are adequately taken into account.

Our experts are at your side to promote constructive and cooperative collaboration between management and the works council. We support you in developing communication strategies, training for works council members and implementing conflict resolution mechanisms to ensure a harmonious working relationship based on trust and co-operation.

Responsible handling of employees' personal data is also a key component of fair working conditions. Our data protection experts support you in the development and implementation of data protection guidelines. We help you to comply with data protection regulations, protect the privacy of your employees and minimise the risk of data breaches.

Our lawyers are on hand to help you develop flexible working time models that promote the work-life balance of your employees and increase productivity. We can help you introduce part-time and flexitime arrangements, home office options and other flexible working time models.

We support you in the introduction of innovative work concepts such as New Work and Workation. Our lawyers will help you to create a modern work culture based on trust, personal responsibility and flexibility. We advise you on the implementation of remote working options and flexible work locations.


With GvWhistle, GvW Graf von Westphalen has created a digital solution for a whistleblowing system. The law firm offers its clients a secure and anonymous reporting channel to report compliance violations within the company.

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