GvW Veranstaltung

11 November 2024
18:00 - 20:00

MEDICA drinks reception

We are delighted to invite you to an exclusive evening reception hosted by the GvW Focus Area Healthcare & Life Sciences, in collaboration with Mills & Reeve. 

The GvW team, represented by Birgit LotzChristian Kusulis, and Peter Trösser, along with Mills & Reeve’s Stephanie Caird and Thilo Schneider, will be there to welcome you. The evening will feature the highlights of Peter and Stephanie’s MEDICA speech and a discussion on the latest developments in the medical devices sector.

We'd love you to join us at this event. Please RSVP by Friday 11 October to confirm your attendance.

Looking forward to welcoming you.

MEDICA drinks reception

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