Wirtschaftskanzlei Graf von Westphalen

Eva Ritte, M.A.


As part of the Green Trade Team, Eva Ritte specialises in advising on issues related to sustainability and due diligence in the supply chain. She has an interdisciplinary education with a bachelor's and master's degree in international relations and two state law examinations, as well as extensive professional experience at the interface between politics and law, for example at the United Nations in Geneva, the Federal Ministries of Justice and Defence, and in the NGO sector.



GvW Graf von Westphalen
Potsdamer Platz 8
10117 Berlin


Lawyer specialising in public law in an international commercial law firm; worked in the departments for international criminal law and in the office of the State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Justice


Studied international relations and law in Groningen, Paris, Berlin and Potsdam; legal clerkship, including at the Federal Ministry of Justice and the Federal Ministry of Defence; fellowship at the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva




German, English, French, basic knowledge in Spanish