Wirtschaftskanzlei Graf von Westphalen

Andreas Kössel

Lawyer, Certified Specialist in Employment Law, Business Mediator (CVM)
Associated Partner

Andreas Kössel is a specialist attorney for labor law and business mediator. He advises national as well as international employers and executives on the entire spectrum of individual and collective labor law. Another focus of his practice is litigation.



GvW Graf von Westphalen
Nymphenburger Straße 64
80335 Munich

Focus Areas


Lawyer in a major international law firm in Munich, Frankfurt and London; Lawyer in a medium-sized law firm in Munich; Research assistant at ZAAR - Center for Labor Relations and Labor Law (LMU)


Studied in Augsburg


Mentor for civil law at the distance learning university in Hagen


Working Group Employment Law at the German Bar Association (DAV)


German, English


25 September 2024

We are delighted to extend an invitation to our webinar titled "Employment Law in Germany: Diversity & Discrimination." This session aims to explore the critical aspects of fostering diversity and combating discrimination within the workplace, emphasizing the legal framework established by the General Equal Treatment Act (Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz – "AGG").

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27 June 2024

We're excited to invite you to the third installment of our 2024 webinar series, titled "Employment Law in Germany - Navigating Pitfalls with Freelancers/Contractors." This session is dedicated to helping you steer clear of legal risks associated with engaging freelancers and contractors.We're excited to invite you to the third installment of our 2024 webinar series, titled "Employment Law in Germany - Navigating Pitfalls with Freelancers/Contractors." This session is dedicated to helping you steer clear of legal risks associated with engaging freelancers and contractors.

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24 April 2024

We're excited to invite you to the second installment of our 2024 webinar series focusing on German employment law! Join us for "Employment Law in Germany -  Termination of Employment" the next session in our four-part series offering in-depth insights into crucial aspects of the German employment landscape.

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28 February 2024

We are thrilled to invite you to our upcoming webinar titled Employment Law in Germany - What to Expect When Hiring. This insightful session aims to delve into crucial aspects that employers and HR professionals should be aware of when navigating the German employment landscape.

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