Blog Vietnam

26 July 2024

On 3rd July 2024, Vietnam took a major step toward a competitive electricity market with the issuance of Decree 80/2024/ND-CP (“Decree 80”).

09 July 2024

On June 30, 2024, the Government issued Decree 72/2024/ND-CP, which outlines a policy to reduce the value-added tax (VAT) rate from July 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024.

20 June 2024

Am 14. Juni 2024 erließ die Regierung den Erlass 64/2024/ND-CP zur Verlängerung der Fristen für die Zahlung der Mehrwertsteuer (VAT"), der Körperschaftssteuer (CIT"), der Einkommenssteuer (PIT") und der Pachtgebühren für Grundstücke im Jahr 2024.

25 April 2024

On 1st February 2024, the Government issued Decree No. 10/2024/ND-CP which comes into effective since 25th March 2024 regulating the Hi-tech parks policies (“Decree 10”). This is to create a new legal framework for operation of hi-tech parks in compliance with the current laws on investment, land, planning, and technology transfer, and…

20 March 2024

Vietnam has become an increasingly attractive destination for foreign investors looking to establish start-up businesses, owing to the country’s young and tech-savvy population, rapidly developing digital infrastructure, and government initiatives to encourage foreign investment through tax incentives and reforms.

04 March 2024

In November 2023, during its 6th meeting session, the National Assembly of Vietnam passed the amended Law on Real Estate Business 2023 that will heavily impact foreign investment in the sector.

22 February 2024

Vietnam has a rigorous regulatory framework governing both employment of local employees and migration of foreign employees into the country.

13 February 2024

Vietnam follows a global approach of securing personal data protection and implements this in its regulatory framework. The guidelines are a work in progress, but general compliance principles are clarified and shall be followed.

05 February 2024

A Global Minimum Tax Framework is being implemented in Vietnam to prevent tax avoidance.