Wirtschaftskanzlei Graf von Westphalen

Dr Philine Fabig

Lawyer, Certified Specialist for International Business Law
Associated Partner

Dr Philine Fabig specializes in distribution law, litigation and arbitration in matters of contract and commercial law, including distribution anti-trust law. Already in university during her studies and PhD, Dr Fabig focused on private international law and European procedural law. She has accumulated practical experience in this area and has been appointed as certified specialist for international business law. Due to her studies in France, Dr Fabig is the ideal contact person for contractual disputes and negotiations with connection to France, whether the litigation is in front of French courts or instructions by the client shall be in French.



GvW Graf von Westphalen
Poststrasse 9 – Alte Post
20354 Hamburg


Studied in Hamburg and Lyon/France


DIS German Institution of Arbitration e.V.; DIS40 - German Institution of Arbitration (DIS); Hamburg Arbitration Circle e.V.; Deutsche Gesellschaft für Vertriebsrecht e.V.


German, English, French