Poland: Operating in a franchise network

The economic and business challenges in the years 2020-2023 have led to a growing interest in Poland in conducting business in a franchise network. 

This is a form of activity that is of interest to potential franchisors and franchisees. For the former, it brings a reduction in own costs (such as rent, supply commitments), while for franchisees it is an opportunity to develop their business with the support of an experienced partner with a renowned brand name.

In addition, new franchise concepts are emerging as a result of existing franchisors adapting to market conditions and new franchisors starting up operations in Poland, including those relocating from eastern Europe.
Poland's peculiarity is that there are no regulations on franchise agreements, so the mechanisms used in franchise relationships have been developed by the market based on freedom of contract.

A common additional solution is for franchisors to provide franchisees with day-to-day support through shared services, which is an important benefit for budding entrepreneurs.

Franchisors have also developed qualification procedures and requirements to be met in order to start operating in their franchise network. These models vary and often correspond to mechanisms used on the foreign market.
A Code of Good Practice for the franchise market was adopted in 2021 with the aim of consolidating the mechanisms used to date on the Polish market, with the Code provisions being binding on its signatories.

Attempts are currently being made to regulate franchise agreements in Polish law, but the work is at a very early stage.

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